General Information


  • The 1st International Congress of Health Sciences are going to be held in Edirne, Balkan Congress Center, Trakya University Balkan Campus, between 23-25 ​​November 2017.


  • The official language of the Congress is English and Turkish.


  • The invitation letter will be sent by e-mail to the participants who registered form by depositing their registration fee.


  • The 1st International Congress of Health Science are going to be announced by the scientific committee and will be listed in the congress book, provided that it is registered and presented at the congress.
  • The Scientific Committee decides whether or not the application made in the scientific meetings will be accepted as oral or poster presentation.
  • The acceptance of the papers will be done after the evaluation of the reviewers.


  • The notifications are going to be uploaded to the system in accordance with the published criteria and the deadline for submission to the Chairman of the Scientific Committee through the Congress Organizing Committee.
  • The author who made the abstract submission and who will present the report must have completed the registration process.
  • Authors may choose their presentation type as "oral" and / or "poster", but the Science Board has the right to change the type of presentation. The Scientific Committee may decide to accept, reject, correct the declaration exactly and share the reasons for such decisions with the declaration holders.


  • Oral presentations should be presented in 7 minutes and  followed by 3 minutes of discussion.
  • Posters should be prepared in electronic format (e-poster) in jpeg format with dimensions of 1081 x 1918 pixels. The resolution should be 300 dpi.
  • Authors should keep their poster presentations electronically.
  • Poster holders must be at the head of their posters during the presentation of the date, time and location reported.
  • Unpublished posters and non-presented oral notices will be extracted from the abstract book.
  • In order to be able to accept the declarations, the author must complete the congress registration by 30 October 2017 and pay the congress fee.
  • The Congress is suitable for academic incentive criteria
  • After the names and surnames of the authors are entered, the number for the institution name will be indicated in parentheses. If all authors are in the same institution, there is no need the number.
  • After the specified number, a "*" mark will be placed next to the number on the back of the responsible author. If all of the researchers work in the same institution , it is enough to put a (*) after the name.
If there are different institutions

Ayhan UNLU (1 *), Bircan DINC (2), Tammam SIPAHI (1)

(1) Trakya University Medical Faculty, Deparment of Biophysics, Edirne, Turkey

(2) Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Biophysics, Istanbul, Turkey

If there is no different institution

Ayhan UNLU (*), Metin BUDAK

Trakya University Medical Faculty, Deparment of Biophysics, Edirne, Turkey

  • Participants who do not fill the title part will absolutely fill the head part.
  • It is necessary to upload the poster and oral presentation files to the system to present the participants who receive the acceptance letter. After virus scanning, posters will be uploaded to electronic panels, and oral presentations will be recorded in computer that is used in congress. There is no need to print out the posters.


This content was issued on 20.07.2017 and has been viewed for 1956 times.